Living Thrift the Jane Austen Way

Last year I was delighted to receive this book, Jane Austen's Guide to Thrift as a gift and after many leisurely hours reading it, I finished it last night and can pronounce it a very fun read. Written by Jane Austen aficionados Kathleen Anderson and Susan Jones, this book has a plenitude of good advice for living elegantly on small budget, how gracious manners can augment a limited income, and many other useful snippets for finding bargains and creating beauty. The enjoyable part of the book is that most of the chapters are written from the viewpoints of some of Jane's most memorable characters. For instance, Catherine Morland of Northhanger Abbey has advice on how to be a good traveler and houseguest, Lizzie's youngest sister Lydia Bennett from Pride and Prejudice is queried for advice on fashion bargains, Lucy Steele of Sense and Sensbility has sharp advice of investments, and even Mrs. Norris of Mansfield Park is praised for her perspicuity in seizing a good deal, although she is rightly chastised for her busybody-ness.

I recommend this book to all lovers of Jane Austen, and I have to mention I particularly admire the creative paper-art cover by Natasha Molotkova, which made this book a welcome companion on my bedside bookshelf. I also credit this book for making me pick up my copy of Mansfield Park, which I had never read, and launching me on a most enjoyable read. And that's a wonderful thing for a book by Austen-lovers to inspire.


9peasMom said…
Hi Regina! Thank you for the book recommend, while I can't imagine taking advice from Lucy Steele on anything it sounds like the author has used a great sense of humor to impart sage advice.

In other news, I left you a message on FB about your books - this is Kathryn S.

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